Papers on animal communication, female extra-pair copulations and human tearsOren Hasson |
Animal Signals
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Hasson, O. and Stone, L. 2011. Why do females have so few extrapair offspring? Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 65:513-523. This contribution is part of the Special Issue on 'Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution: Darwin 2000'. Hasson, O. 2009. Emotional tears as biological signals. Evolutionary Psychology 7:363-370. Hasson, O. and Stone, L. 2009. Male infertility, female fertility and extrapair copulations. Biological Reviews 84: 225-244. Hasson, O. and Rössler, Y. 2002. Character-specific homeostasis dominates fluctuating asymmetries in the medfly, Ceratitis capitata. Florida Entomologist 85: 73-82. Taylor, P.W., Hasson, O. and D.L. Clark 2000. Body postures and patterns as amplifiers of physical condition. Proceeding of the Royal Society, London, Series B. 267: 917-922. Taylor, P.W., Hasson, O. & Clark, D.L. 2001. Initiation and resolution of jumping spider contests: roles for size, proximity and early detection of rivals. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 50: 403-413. Hasson, O. 2000. Knowledge, information, biases and signal assemblages. In: Espmark, Y., Amundsen, T. & Rosenqvist, G. (Eds.), Animal Signals. Signalling and Signal Design in Animal Communication, pp 445-463. The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters. The Foundation of Tapir Publishers, Trondheim, Norway. Hasson, O. 1997. Towards a general model of biological signaling. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 185:139-156. Hasson, O. 1994. Cheating signals. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 167:223‑238. Vega‑Redondo F. and O. Hasson, 1993. A game‑theoretic model of predator‑prey signaling. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 162:309‑319. Hasson O., D. Cohen and A. Shmida, 1992. Providing or hiding information: on the evolution of amplifiers and attenuators of perceived quality differences. Acta Biotheoretica, 40:269-283. Hasson O., 1991. Pursuit-Deterrent Signals: the communication between two unlikely partners, prey and their predators. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 6:325-329. Hasson O., 1991. Sexual displays as amplifiers: practical examples with an emphasis on feather decorations. Behavioral Ecology, 2:189-197. Hasson O. 1990. The role of amplifiers in sexual selection: an integration of the amplifying and the Fisherian mechanisms. Evolutionary Ecology, 4:277-289. Michod R.E. and O. Hasson. 1990. On the evolution of reliable indicators of fitness. The American Naturalist, 135:788-808. Hasson O. 1989. The effect of uncertainty on the relationship between the frequency of warning signals and prey density. Theoretical Population Biology, 36:241-250. Hasson O., R. Hibbard and G. Ceballos, 1989. The pursuit deterrent function of tail‑wagging of the zebra‑tailed lizard Callisaurus draconoides. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 67:1203-1209. Hasson O. 1989. Amplifiers and the handicap principle in sexual selection: a different emphasis. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Series B., 235:383-406. Nur N. and Hasson O. 1984. Phenotypic plasticity and the handicap principle. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 110:275‑297. |